Psychedelic Piano


This is a mood track, main instrument is piano and featuring with electronic synth and ambience pad.

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This is a mood track, main instrument is piano and featuring with electronic synth and ambience pad.

This track is suitable to be a background music on tutorial, slide show, commercial…video.

Zip package included 2 Version of different length and 1 Loop (Mp3 & Wav):
1. Full Version (3:12)
2. Short Version (1:23)
3. Loop (0:17)

Thank you for viewing and listening my tracks, feel free to drop me some comments.
If you use this track in your monetized video/project, please do not forget to send me a link when you video/project is launched.
I would like to see it 🙂


This track is registered with Youtube Content ID. Planning to use this music in your Youtube video? To claim use of this track in youtube, Find out more at here. Don’t worry it is completely free of charged.